CEAVCO Audio Visual Project Managers Brett Kolesarek and Emily Sendelbach recently attended Vectorworks training. This investment in our employees adds two new users to the extensive base of Computer Aided Design (CAD) capabilities already at the company.
CAD software is providing great value to CEAVCO’s clients, enabling our team to make recommendations on how an event space can or should be used, as well as helping our team identify important space layout and design challenges and solutions in the event pre-planning stages. Our team and our clients benefit by being able to visualize stage layout, seating sections, video and audio placement, lighting design, and hoist and cable network design.
Vectorworks’ flexible and collaborative design capabilities are regularly used by event production professionals who design room and stage layouts at both large conference centers and sophisticated smaller venues. This versatile, on-premise application provides extensive 2D drafting, 3D modeling, building information modeling (BIM), and rendering capabilities.